Editorial Emanations

I. DELAYS DELAYS DELAYS: Did you think you'd never get No. 55? So did I. First the people doing the composition by IBM computer typewriter (which is what makes possible the even right. hand margins), got sick for about a month so that nothing was typed. Then they took a weeks vacation. On their return I was informed that the company refused to let them use the necessary equipment any more so they were out. It was not possible to find another place in Los Angeles who could do it at the price they had charged. So now, in order to continue the much cleaner professional look that TVia has enjoyed since No. 50, I am going to have to send all the material to one of our girls in Boston who has similar equipment and who has expressed willingness to meet the price and use it as filler between the regular office work. My (and I hope your) thanks and appreciation to her. It will, however, make the operation more awkward having to ship everything back there as well as more expensive sending it by registered mail each way.

Then as if that were not enough our printer who has done the magazine since No. 3 had a heart attack and decided to go out of business. This naturally slowed things down considerably too. However, he has agreed to act as a kind of broker between me and the man who took over his accounts in order to continue to do the little things that he knows about.

Perhaps you who were so impatient and wrote the "where in hell it is" letters may have a little compassion for what I've been through piled on top of all the other problems having to do with the trip etc. I've always told you that I will get it to you as soon as